The registration for new exciting programs are open now

Introduction of Coding Courses

 ICT will be the third language for all Classes in the country starting 2021 academic year.

Prime Minister (12th December, 2020)

With changing innovations and technology, what we knew yesterday are becoming obsolete tomorrow and what we will learn today may be outdated tomorrow. To keep trending technologies and innovations on our toes, we should learn to understand the working of technology. To achieve this, the simplest thing that we have to know is programming. Now, programming is a very broad topic and it has a very big ecosystem in the computer world. To write a program for a computer we must start with the a,b,c of programming, which is coding. Nowadays, coding has become a necessary literacy in the digital age. If we make our children learn coding from a very early age, it will help them prepare for the future. Coding helps children develop problem-solving skills, communication skills, creativity, mathematics and develop confidence. Also, it will be a preparation for the kids as ICT is becoming a compulsory subject from the academic year 2021.

Keeping all these trends and needs, our team, HITM is coming up with the latest courses on coding. We are primarily targeting three groups of learners.

  1. Budding coders: This is for the small kids aged between 5 – 7 who will be taught how to use computers safely and basic coding using unplugged coding and Scratch Jr.
  2. Block Coding: This is for the kids aged between 8 – 12 who will be taught coding using Scratch.
  3. Python Programming with Turtle (Level 1): This is for the children at the secondary level who will be taught Python Programming Language using Turtle Graphics

We have the latest curriculum and the best facilities, so grab your chance and join us today to become a future programmer.

The course will start from 21/12/2020. Get registered before 20/12/2020.

Get registered through an online registration form or drop by our institute at Himalayan Institute of Technology and Management, Rabdeyling, Gelephu, near Yoejong Guest House.


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